Monthly Archives: November 2011

Never a dull moment and always a bruise or two…


     I took a shower, pulled on clean jeans and shirt, went downstairs to have some coffee, breakfast, and head out to buy groceries and dog food. 

     In that short amount of time before I left to go to the pet and grocery stores, my clean jeans acquired muddy paw prints, dog slobber, and my shirt held some spots of coffee.  I always look so fashionable at home.

     I had four new bruises on my legs from Gavin jumping into my lap (thus the wearing of the coffee) and Patty had managed to squash my big toe in her rush to get to the back door first.

     The dogs had my first yogurt since they’d tripped me and made me drop it.  I got the second one to myself…thank goodness for baby gates.

     Carrying in groceries would be a real trick if it weren’t for dog crates.  Especially since I carried in a forty pound bag of dog food and a bag containing dog biscuits and two new Nylabones.  Yes, the singing began when they caught the first whiff.

     That was my day…How was yours?

Oh, muse of mine, return to me


          Oh, please muse of mine come kick me in the a** and jump-start my writing.  Seek me out and hold a gun to my head–make me write.   

     Take the blank spaces in my brain and fill them to overflowing with words.  Make the words dance and the voices come back to sing operas.

      Make my fingers fly over the keyboard telling the tales locked up inside me.

Picture day!

What are you thankful for this year?

     I’m thankful that I survived my heart attack.  I’m thankful for The Curmudgeon’s love.  I’m thankful for two Bull Terriers who give us their unconditional love. 

     I’m thankful for having such wonderful and loving Aunties, and Cousins.  I’m thankful for good and loving friends who are with us through thick and thin.

     I’m thankful that you stop by and read my little blog from time to time.

I’m going to get my exercise…

     I think I finally have all the Halloween decorations on the second floor ready to take to the attic to pack away until next year.  I know, it’s the lazy way to do it.  However, trudging two flights of stairs on many trips is not my idea of fun.

     This way I can pile everything by the attic door and then haul it all up in as few trips as possible. 

     Since I don’t do Christmas decorations, I’m done with attic trips  for the year.

Incentive helps

     The Curmudgeon carried the ladder upstairs yesterday.  This was a hint for me to take down the light fixture at the top of the stairs.  I’ve put this off for quite a while, but night before last the second light blew so I needed to replace both of them.

     (Another reason I put it off was it was filthy from the leaky roof–which is now fixed.) 

     Therefore yesterday afternoon I went up the ladder, took down the glass fixture, washed it, replaced the two light bulbs with new energy-efficient light bulbs, and put up the clean glass fixture.

     Oh my gosh, I forgot how bright that light was.  Now I can see how dirty the stairs and hallway are…

     I bet you know what I’ll be doing today.

Paper is to clutter as ….

     I can clean off my desk, I can clear the kitchen table, however, they never stay paper free.  A single piece of paper becomes a magnet for many more.  Once that first paper hits the table or desk,  my clutter free area is doomed.

     I swear the paper breeds faster than rabbits or mice.  My recycling bin is always full.

     Is there some sort of scientific phenomena that explains this occurence?

     How do you tame your paper? 

Fortune cookie wisdom

     “It’s amazing how much good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

     Believe it or not that lovely gem of wisdom was in my fortune cookie tonight.   It struck a chord with me.  I know many people who climb atop the wall and crow about their accomplishments expecting pats on the back and plenty of ‘atta boys.  They don’t impress me.

    The people I admire the most are the ones who work hard, keep their heads down, and seldom take credit for their good works. 

     Sort of reminds me of many of our military men and women.  Hey, remember to take a moment and thank a soldier the next time you see one. 

     Hugs all!

Black ‘n blue ‘n yellow ‘n brown…


     Bull Terriers aren’t for the faint of heart.  I’ve seen them gently kiss a baby’s face and then run full tilt into my shins immediately afterwards. 

     They will leap great heights just so they can land dead center in your body.  You are what they use to stop with instead of putting on the brakes.

     There’s nothing so tempting as a bed with you asleep in it–they must bounce. 

     A toy, hose, or ropie, if you have hold of it they will grab it with a bit of you.

      No, Bull Terriers aren’t for the faint hearted….

The toe bone is connected to the OW!

     Life with Bull Terriers is never dull.  My back is feeling a lot better now.  Then last night Gavin leapt on the foot rest of my chair taking out my ankle, foot, and big toe in the process.   My big toe–bruised, my ankle–slightly sprained, my foot–scratched and bruised. 

     At least I can get around without a problem. 

     “I just hopped up with Mom like always.  Don’t know why she suddenly yelled, ow! Ow! Ow!”  Gavin hanged his head.

    “I hided in my crate so I couldn’t get blamed.”  Said Patty.

     “You always hides in the crate.”   Gavin said.


I need to diet on the heart smart diet


     It seems to me that the heart smart changes in my diet have done nothing except put weight on me.   How heart smart can that be?

     I do believe that fruits, whole grains, and oatmeal like to migrate to my stomach and boobage.  My fat loves the heart smart diet and I am not amused… 

     It’s time to change again and this time go for what works in taking off the weight and controlling my cholesterol. 

     Now if I can only find my old hand written diet that I had years ago.  I managed to take off weight on that one with no problem.  It’s somewhere in this house…

I didn’t cook


     Second day, back was still painful enough that pizza was ordered for dinner.  The pups were thrilled they LOVE pizza–they get pizza crusts from DH. 

     Gavin decided he was my official heating pad,  he spent the day alongside me in the chair heating my leg instead of my back.   He believes he can make me better.

     Patty would come over every so often to kiss my elbow and let me know I had her sympathies.

     DH tried to keep me as quiet as possible so my back heals quickly–he needs me in good shape to take care of him.   He even told me that tonight it looks as though we’ll have Chinese food–his way of cooking for me since he no longer can cook.

     My guy and pups loves me!