Blog Archives

Rainy day

With it comes the rainy day blahs. Not the blues, the blahs.

Woke up with no desire to do anything. Not unusual before coffee, but even with two cups on board, I still felt like doing nothing.

Gloomy, dreary, blah day. Even the pups weren’t interested in anything but dozing the day away.

The Curmudgeon spent the day being more curmudgeonly than usual.

Oh, how I long for a life on the beach where, even with rain, I can enjoy watching the waves.

fuck it

Temperatures into the single digits again…

Two days in a row dragged out of bed long before I was ready to leave it makes for an exhausted, mentally fogged, cranky person. The Curmudgeon had a couple of bad mornings and thus I get no sleep. Add that to this long winter of frigid weather and that equals my bad attitude.

I wanted to go grocery shopping but didn’t have the energy to go. I barely had the energy to run the vacuum and cook dinner.

I’ve groused at The Curmudgeon and the poor dogs.

I need a vacation.



Isn’t it spring yet?


Dang it.

seaI’d rather be here.