The mornings are cooler

I had two fans installed on my front porch. They make a great deal of difference. My porch is lovely for sitting on now. Before, it was nice but I seldom got a breeze, and when temperatures soared, I couldn’t enjoy the porch. Now, even on the hottest days, I can sit out there and be comfortable.

This morning is a cool 69 degrees, the fans are on low to merely stir the air.

I’m watching Cardinals, mockingbirds, brown thrashers, and bluebirds. Yes, honest to God real bluebirds. I haven’t seen them since I was a kid.

Oh, the birds we have around here. Blue jays, wrens by the dozens, titmice, phoebes, at least 4 different types of woodpeckers, blackbirds, crows, red winged blackbirds, vultures, hawks, and my beloved hummingbirds. I know there are many more I haven’t listed, but these are what I have seen and heard this morning alone.

I am glad I moved here. My new home makes me happy.

Now, before it gets too warm or rains, I have 14 Iris to get in the ground. I’m thinking about around the birdbath…

About doggonedmysteries

Agented Mystery Writer, Bull Terrier owner--I have one at the present time, Avid gardener.

Posted on September 9, 2020, in My blog. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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