Goliath has returned!

     I am enjoying the new look on my blog.  Several people have told me that they like it too. 

     I have two frogs in my pond.  Yes, the pond is still there since we haven’t a clue as to how we’re going to fill it in yet. 

     I was outside talking to my next door neighbor when he told me he heard my frog earlier.  I told him I accidentally discovered that I have two frogs. 

     I thought we only had the one until I was pulling aggressively growing mint from the little river between the waterfall and the pond.  I startled a familiar looking large bullfrog, and he was not the one I knew we had who  I could see sitting on a nearby rock.

     I am enjoying the frog songs.

     You all have a good one!

Goliath the bullfrog

Goliath the bullfrog

About doggonedmysteries

Agented Mystery Writer, Bull Terrier owner--I have one at the present time, Avid gardener.

Posted on May 23, 2013, in my garden and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Happy to hear that Goliath is back!

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